January 21, 2021

Survey on the impact of IP on the development of new technologies

Digitalisation and the new technologies on which it is based are boosting the creation of new business models in both traditional and emerging sectors.

LESI (Licensing Executive Society International), the prestigious professional association that brings together intellectual property (IP) specialists with a special focus on the commercialisation of intangible assets, has launched the initiative LIT (Lesi Innovation Trends) Task Force, aimed at identifying the new challenges posed, from the perspective of IP rights, by technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain or automation. The aim is to be able to propose improvements to the IP system and adapt it to users’ needs.

Thus, by means of a new survey, which only takes 12 minutes to answer, they intend to find out the experience of the developers of these technologies, both from industry and from public and private R&D centres, in relation to the impact of different aspects of the IP system on the development and commercialisation of these technologies.

The survey can be answered  here.